Popa Robert

Popa Robert

Bucharest, Romania Website Facebook

Founder of MintMunk.com

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Popa Robert

JavaScript Promises: An In-depth Look

1. Understanding the Concept of JavaScript Promises Imagine you've placed an order at your favorite pizza joint. You're there in your comfy pajamas, belly rumbling, eagerly waiting for that warm cheesy goodness. But wait, this isn't instant pizza teleportation (as much as we wish it were). Your pizza is a...

Popa Robert

Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layouts

1. Understanding the Basics: What is CSS Grid Layout? Welcome, digital adventurers, to the mystical world of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Grid Layout! Imagine a magical kingdom where you, the rightful ruler, can dictate where your subjects (in this case, HTML elements) are placed. You can command these humble citizens...

Popa Robert

A Deep Dive into SVG: Tips, Tricks, and Advanced Techniques

Understanding SVG: An Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics When you first meet SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, it might seem a bit daunting. Like that tall, silent guy in the corner at a party who’s clearly more intellectual than you, but doesn't brag about it. You want to approach,...

Popa Robert

Unit Testing JavaScript Applications: Tools and Best Practices

1. The Importance of Unit Testing in JavaScript Applications Oh, the glamorous life of a JavaScript application developer! Weaving magic with your hands, leaving trails of code, creating virtual masterpieces that dance and twirl at your command. The excitement! The thrill! And then, a bug enters the scene, pulling a...

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